Reflections on distance learning in the field of vocational and university education from a legal perspective


  • Luis Sebastián Castañares Generalitat Valenciana Spain
  • José Manuel López Jiménez Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla Spain



e-learning, vocational training, university training, legal subjects, lifelong learning


This article analyses the legal development of distance learning in Spain, both in the field of Vocational Training and at university level. Particularly, the analysis is carried out with a focus on legal matters, not only in terms of university degree courses, but also in terms of specific professional modules such as Formación y Orientación Laboral.

Firstly, the legal framework of distance learning in Spain is examined, both in the Vocational Training system, which takes into account the most recent legislation, and in the consolidated national regulations on distance learning in the university area. Next, methodologies and resources related to e-learning of legal contents in the aforementioned fields are detailed. Finally, future prospects for the development of e-learning are discussed, valuing it as an effective training tool for lifelong learning.

The main goal of this work is to make a global analysis of the educational system in its university and vocational training areas, with special emphasis on national legislation and on the evolution that the teaching of legal sciences has undergone with the progressive incorporation of new technologies in general, and remote training in particular.


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How to Cite

Sebastián Castañares, L. ., & López Jiménez, J. M. . (2023). Reflections on distance learning in the field of vocational and university education from a legal perspective. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (28), 65–89.



Educational innovation and teaching methodologies