The return of judges and prosecutors to Justice administration after serving as Ministers and Secretaries of State in the Central Government. An analysis of the affectation of the phenomenon to the Spanish constitutional reality


  • Penélope Oliva Boza Universidad de Málaga Spain



Justice, politics, revolving door, judges, public prosecutors, Ministers, Secretaries of State, special services, voluntary leave of absence.


There are cases in which those in charge of Justice administration decide to interrupt their career intending to hold a politic charge and later return. This study aims to empirically analyze the degree of affectation of this phenomenon to the Spanish constitutional reality. In order to establish that, the cases registered in the last twenty-five years, corresponding to the last four presidencies will be considered individually. Subsequently, the mechanisms of transition from one discipline to another will also be studied, as well as their compatibility with Spanish constitutional principles. The results obtained have allowed us to establish if it is possible to speak of revolving doors in Spanish Justice, analyze the regulation in force and submit improvement proposals.


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How to Cite

Oliva Boza, P. (2023). The return of judges and prosecutors to Justice administration after serving as Ministers and Secretaries of State in the Central Government. An analysis of the affectation of the phenomenon to the Spanish constitutional reality. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (29), 43–78.



Substantive research