Las actividades prácticas evaluables en los estudios jurídicos universitarios. Vídeo-ejercicios como instrumentos transformadores


  • Gabriele Vestri Universidad de Cádiz Spain



video-exercises, legal studies, continuous assessment, oral skills, professional resilience


This study is the result of the analysis of the Teaching Innovation and Improvement Project carried out during the 2020-2021 academic year and approved by the Vice-Rectorate for Digitalisation and Infrastructures of the University of Cadiz. The project was developed with the students of Administrative Legal Management I, Administrative Structures and Administrative Law of the Degree in Management and Public Administration, who used video-exercises as a tool for practical learning and development. The main purpose of these activities is to improve the oral and operational skills of our students, in order to gradually acquire a certain fluency in the oral explanation of complex legal-administrative issues. One hundred and twenty video-exercises were carried out over the three courses mentioned, a sufficient number to proceed with a careful analysis to determine how these types of practical activities have had an impact on the academic training of our students. In our opinion, the data obtained can also be considered, adapted and extended to those legal subjects included in different social science degrees.


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How to Cite

Vestri, G. (2021). Las actividades prácticas evaluables en los estudios jurídicos universitarios. Vídeo-ejercicios como instrumentos transformadores. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (25), 11–29.



Educational innovation and teaching methodologies