The introduction of Criminology in the University of Older Adults. A teaching experience


  • Paloma Bárcena-López Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia Spain



criminology, online teaching, lifelong learning, university for older adults, senior


This article presents a teaching experience carried out in the program at the University for older adults of the National Distance Education University in Madrid. The article presents the entire development of the project, from preliminary research to implementation. The education programs for older adults occupy a prominent place in the university world. It is an innovative program that breaks with traditional pedagogy in the sense that it is not focused on obtaining an university degree, but the main target is to get that the seniors have a better quality of life. This article analyzes the evolution of these programs, both in Spain and in others European countries.  The introduction of Criminology as a subject included the design of the project, the adaptation of the contents to the student profile, the choice of activities that take place outside the classroom as several visits at museums, the adaptation to online teaching due to problems with Covid-19 and, of course, the development and learning of seniors.



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How to Cite

Bárcena-López, P. (2021). The introduction of Criminology in the University of Older Adults. A teaching experience. Revista Jurídica De Investigación E Innovación Educativa (REJIE Nueva Época), (24), 57–70.



Educational innovation and teaching methodologies