Nature according to the new esthetic Bildung




Nature, Budd, Eckhart, divinization


Like every concept, the concept of nature has a history consisting of a complex weave of layers of meaning that appear and are concealed at different times. The contemporary consideration of nature as a quasi-divine reality has brought to light old conceptions of nature as a deific reality, which give rise to a different weave. In order to show that our concept of nature is constituted by this entangled bundle of discourses, references, and interests, I will make a critical reading of the theses of the British philosopher M. Budd. Finally, I will propose a reading of the Eckhartian concept of Gelassenheit in order to understand the role that this divinized nature plays in the contemporary imaginary, which requires us to abstain from any intervention in order to achieve a pure contemplation.


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How to Cite

Castro, S. J. (2024). Nature according to the new esthetic Bildung. Nature & Freedom. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, (18).


