Some historical-philosophical-musical notes on pride in relation to Ricardo Parellada’s latest book
History of emotions, Phenomenology of emotions, Pride, Nietzsche, Medieval Christian thought, Ricardo ParelladaAbstract
In the following pages we will comment critically on Ricardo Parellada’s latest book (Pride, vice or virtue?), a historical-philosophical study that contributes both to reconstructing the history of pride in western thought and literatura (along the lines of the “History of emotions”, a recent historiographical trend), and to the phenomenological analysis of it (think of the also recent “Phenomenology of emotions”), from a perspective that will also interest those working in the field of Religionswissenschaft. In addition to outlining the main lines of argument of the book and highlighting its most interesting contributions, I will discuss some of the approaches of medieval thinkers and try to shed light on those parts of the book that are more difficult to understand.
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