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Philippe Pinel in context. The origin of alienism from the point of view of philosophical anthropology


  • Andrés Ortigosa Universidad de Sevilla Spain



Alienism, Philosophical Anthropology, Pinel, Psychiatry


In this research I present a study on the origin of alienism in the 19th century in the work of Phillipe Pinel in context. The purpose of the paper is to show how the French physician proposes alienism inspired by the anthropological ideas of his time. After the introduction, a brief historical overview of the anthropology of modernity is given to place Pinel's work in context. This is followed by a survey of Pinel's anthropological ideas, which are in a sense coincident with his period. Finally, it is presented how Pinel proposes his famous alienism, situated between the understanding and the affected life, as well as the way of curing his patients as a consequence of his anthropological approach.


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How to Cite

Ortigosa , A. (2023). Philippe Pinel in context. The origin of alienism from the point of view of philosophical anthropology. Nature & Freedom. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, (17).


