Heinrich Hertz: from physics to the philosophy of physics.





Hertz, electrodynamics, principles of mechanics, classical science


1. A talented spirit: "Anything written by him is of interest." 2. Preambles of a prodigious scientific and philosophical vocation. 3. Berlin: Von Helmholtz and the two forms of electrodynamics. 4. Karlsruhe: Electromagnetic waves and their conceptual conversion. 5. Bonn: The Principles of Mechanics and the loss of the world in the image. 6. Conclusion


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How to Cite

Balsas, Álvaro. (2021). Heinrich Hertz: from physics to the philosophy of physics. Nature & Freedom. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, (15). https://doi.org/10.24310/NATyLIB.2021.vi15.12962


