Is technological development changing our being in the world?

An interdisciplinary reflection from Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology


  • Mikel Ostiz-Blanco Universidad de Navarra Spain
  • Javier García Manglano University of Navarre Spain
  • Claudia López University of Navarre Spain



Technology, Human being, Mediation


This article is an interdisciplinary reflection on the transformative role of technology for the human being. First, the experience of time and space is overviewed from a phenomenological approach. Second, the implication of technology on neurobiological circuits and the psychological outcomes of overstimulation are discussed. In third place, societal changes are analyzed through contemporary events such as polarization and virtuality. Finally, this article concludes with a phenomenological reflection that explores how subjectivity is perceived in its intimate and intersubjective condition.


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How to Cite

Ostiz-Blanco, M., García Manglano, J., & López, C. (2022). Is technological development changing our being in the world? An interdisciplinary reflection from Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology. Nature & Freedom. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, (16), 81–101.


