In which sense (if any) can it be said that Hegel’s Logic is formal?




Hegel, logic, logic form, hylemorfism


According to some commentators, Hegel’s Logic is not a kind of formal logic, but a material one. Such statement has documental support, because Hegel says formal logic is empty, never the less, there are some texts in Hegelian Opus, which suggests that Hegel thinks of logic as a formal subject. Because of that, also, there are commentator which say Hegel’s logic is a formal system.In this paper I propose that it must be realized that the term “formal” has had several senses along the history of philosophy. According to some of these senses, it can be said that Hegel’s Logic is formal.


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Author Biography

José Antonio Pardo, Ibeoamerican University

Profesor de tiempo completo, departamento de filosofía


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How to Cite

Pardo, J. A. (2020). In which sense (if any) can it be said that Hegel’s Logic is formal?. Metafísica Y Persona, (23).


