Little Phenomenology of Religion in Augustine of Hippo




Augustine of Hippo, Desire, Prayer, Religion, Self


The aim of this paper is to give account of the religious quest as the exploration of desire, according to Augustine of Hippo. If the Phenomenology of Religion tries to describe the es-sential characteristics of religious life, we will try to show how can human desire be the clue in order to understand the religious phenomenon. To Augustine, God is the summum bonum, so He represents the most loveable object of desire. If we consider the human heart as the cen-tre of the soul, and that this heart is always restless, then all of the human desires of beatitudoare detoned in their deepest by the religious quest, which is expressed at its best in prayer as it is considered by Augustine: the expansion of desire.


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How to Cite

Rosales Meana, D. I. (2019). Little Phenomenology of Religion in Augustine of Hippo. Metafísica Y Persona, (22).


