Operationalizing Common Good. Theory, Vocabulary and Measurement





Common good, Philosophy of Action, Measurement, Quality, Vocabulary.


This article builds on the traditions of the common good in the western world (Kemps-hall; Hibst) and intends to restore the practical, operational dimension of this notion in our times. It begins (Part I) by proposing a re-interpretation of the common good from the perspective of a philosophy of action (Blondel, Arendt, Foucault). On the ground of more recent work dedicated to the notion (Blum, Sluga, Riordan, Zamagni, Gorringe), it then proposes a formal understanding of the common good, clarifying the vocabulary used by the author. The second part seeks to create a matrix of the common, identifying the relevant dimensions that could be used to measure the achieved quality of the nexus of the common good.


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How to Cite

Nebel, M. (2018). Operationalizing Common Good. Theory, Vocabulary and Measurement. Metafísica Y Persona, (20). https://doi.org/10.24310/Metyper.2018.v0i20.4830


