Jean-Paul Sartre: Person and Responsibility


  • María Clemencia Jugo Beltrán Catholic University of Cordoba Argentina



Freedom, Responsibility, Person, Commitment, Reflection


The path that we are going to do has as horizon let us question with the radical meaning that Sartre has of freedom, responsibility and the intellectual’s commitment with its time. The real intellectual is the one who operates so that one day would be possible a society where men are, truly, free, equal and brethren, which indicates that in spite of our cultural and social determinations, we have no excuses for not assuming what we historically have to do in search of the cultural, economic and social realization of our people. What is written here has the intention of being a possibility for reflection and commitment. The detour that we are going to do to access to the central topics of this work was deliberate because we think the ontological assumptions are the key to understanding Sartre’s proposal: an ontological moral. In proximity to the thinker we are going to say that only who compromises with freedom making it a job, and takes as a responsibility the freedom of every man, is a genuinely free man, is a person in full realization.


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How to Cite

Jugo Beltrán, M. C. (2018). Jean-Paul Sartre: Person and Responsibility. Metafísica Y Persona, (19).


