Education and Common Good: Components, Structure and Proposed Measurement Parameters From Bernard Lonergan’s Ethical Perspective




Human good, common good, social welfare, education, values.


This paper develops an approach to the relationship between education and common good from the theoretical contributions by Canadian philosopher Bernard J. F. Lonergan (1904-1984) on his proposal of an ethics of achievement in opposition to an ethics of law. We describe and analyze the components that Lonergan considers as the fundamental parts of human good: skills, beliefs, feelings, values, cooperation, progress and decline. We also present the dynamic structure of human good as an object in its three levels: the particular good, the good of order and value. Making a transposition of this structure of human good, this article proposes to consider education as a part of the human good under construction, Both elements (the components of human good and the levels of its structure) are related in a methodological matrix that may help to create measurement indicators of common good un the field of education.


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How to Cite

López Calva, J. M. (2018). Education and Common Good: Components, Structure and Proposed Measurement Parameters From Bernard Lonergan’s Ethical Perspective. Metafísica Y Persona, (19).


