Between Law and Politics: the Relationship Between the Public Good and the Common Good




Public good, Common good, Emancipation.


The present text proposes a relationship between the public good and the common good, two expressions that, although close from the lexical point of view, seem dissociated in their areas of research. At first, some reflections are made on the concept of public good from a legal perspective. Afterwards, some reflections are made on the concept of the common good, especially on issues related to its conceptual difficulty. Then, a possible concept (among others) of common good is proposed, approximating the notions of public good and common good. In the end, the text suggests that the law has thought the concept of public good in a mistaken way, considering that the greatest public good is to reach the common good, meaning this the creation of an “ambience” around which the emancipation of people is promoted.


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How to Cite

Haeberlin, M. (2018). Between Law and Politics: the Relationship Between the Public Good and the Common Good. Metafísica Y Persona, (20).


