The Need for the Useless. Art as an Anthropological Claimant




transhumanism, anthropology, art, aesthetics, utilitarism, uselessness.


During the last decades, utility has become one of the most important elements of our society, to the point of measuring not only things, but also human beings for their useful-ness. It’s not about instead of it’s not a matter of demonstrating the usefulness of “useless” things, but of claiming that there are things that are valuable by themselves. This is the perspective that I would like to discuss in this article. To do this, I will first briefly explain the boom and expansion of utility from modernity to nowadays, focusing on one of its contemporary aspects: transhumanism. Secondly, in front of this current I will present a defense of the useless as that, which characterizes us as humans. Finally, I will focus on how art teaches us, par excellence, to value the useless and, in this sense, helps us to better understand the human being.


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How to Cite

Cascales, R. (2018). The Need for the Useless. Art as an Anthropological Claimant. Metafísica Y Persona, (18).


