Nature, Freewill and Person: Reflexions about the Human Paradox


  • Larissa Guerrero Álvarez Buró Research Center of Applied Ethics Mexico
  • Raúl Cerda Pérez Buró Research Center of Applied Ethics Mexico
  • Inés Guardia Rolando Buró Research Center of Applied Ethics Mexico



nature, legalized function, human nature, freewill, self-understanding, openness


The present paper discusses the openness of man from a legalized nature. It analyses the conflict between law, physis and freedom We wonder why nature is understood as incompatible with free will, and why the law seems to be contradictory with this opening. Does being free mean being away from any attachment to the law and nature? The text begins with a presentation of nature and the notion of legality, as well as its relation to freedom, and it offers a definition of person, based on the understanding about dignity and self, as an explanation of the meaning of openness in the social dimension of human beings.


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Author Biography

Larissa Guerrero Álvarez, Buró Research Center of Applied Ethics

Catedrático de filosofía (metafísica)

Director de los estudios universitarios en ciencias para la familia

Departamento de filosofía

Universidad de Málaga


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How to Cite

Guerrero Álvarez, L., Cerda Pérez, R., & Guardia Rolando, I. (2017). Nature, Freewill and Person: Reflexions about the Human Paradox. Metafísica Y Persona, (2).


