The Exponential Value of the Concept of Individual in the Diary of Søren A. Kierkegaard


  • José García Martín Hispanic Society of Friends of Kierkegaard (S.H.A.K.) Spain



individual, singular individual, exemplary individual, person, common man


We can find in Kierkegaard’s journals an analysis on the concept of individual which focus on the concept of den Enkelte or singular individual. However, we must not confuse the concept of “individual” with the concept of “singular individual”. Between both of them, there exists a complex and analogous relation that allows us to establish a human typology. On the other hand, a progress or human development is deduced from the aforementioned texts, one whose ultimate meaning is related to the authentic accomplishment of the Christian existence, to which it points in a teleological way by means of the paradigmatic figure that is Jesus Christ as a singular individual in comparison to God. 



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How to Cite

García Martín, J. (2017). The Exponential Value of the Concept of Individual in the Diary of Søren A. Kierkegaard. Metafísica Y Persona, (3).


