Transcendence, the Foundation of Personal and Social Care (Existential Care and Personal Religiosity in Viktor E. Frankl)


  • Eugenio Fizzotti Association of Logotherapy and Franklian Existential Analysis Italy



care, motivation, religion, Frankl


Personal and social care requires discovering and clarifying anthropological motivations in existential situations. These are anchored by the search for meaning of life’s values. In other words, the essence of personal and social care is made up, on the one hand, by the fight against existential vacuum; on the other, by rediscovering the values, mostly religious, recognised as significant for one’s existence.


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How to Cite

Fizzotti, E. (2017). Transcendence, the Foundation of Personal and Social Care (Existential Care and Personal Religiosity in Viktor E. Frankl). Metafísica Y Persona, (7).


