The nature of ψυχή in Plato's Timaeus




Argumentation, Myth, Soul, Soul of the world, Psychogenesis, Plato, Timaeaus


The purpose of this research is the conceptual clarification of the mythical dimension of Plato's discourse on the soul, its epistemic foundation and the claim for its definitive explanation in the Timaeus. In effect, this text by Plato is a legacy of his last written production (17 a-92 c), where he summarizes all the knowledge that he had on the subject of the ultimacies of the universe, or at least those that he essentially wanted to transmit to posterity, being –given his thinking evolution or intellectual progress– the most complete expression of his thought, written for such objects. We focus specifically on the issue of the configuration of the individual soul and its destiny, which in turn is a direct derivation of the soul of the world, and indirect creation of the Demiurge or supreme maker of this living cosmos. Likewise, we focus on the argumentative conditions that we can have about the nature of the soul in rational terms, and we point out its justifying link with the mystical-religious ideas of Plato.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Daza y García, R. (2024). The nature of ψυχή in Plato’s Timaeus. Metafísica Y Persona, (32), 109–128.


