Kantian morality in the face of the problem of economic poverty: An outline of the moral duty to help those most in need





Economic poverty, Kantian morality, duty of charity, material ethics, sympathy


The subject of this article is economic poverty, based on the moral thought of Immanuel Kant. For this purpose, elements of his pure a priori morality and his impure a priori morality or material ethics are theoretically analyzed, with the aim of qualifying the supposed Kantian formalism and demonstrating that the need of the most needy is not alien to the Kantian moral proposal. This approach provides new elements, which force us to rethink that the error of Kantian morality consists in a morality of duty for duty’s sake, a disembodied morality that, therefore, appears completely alien to our particularities. In this configuration, concepts such as dignity, duty of beneficence, duty of sympathy, moral
creativity and material ethics make increasingly visible the need to investigate a Kantian morality that guides the problems that seriously afflict humanity.


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How to Cite

Mendoza Orea, A. A. (2024). Kantian morality in the face of the problem of economic poverty: An outline of the moral duty to help those most in need. Metafísica Y Persona, (32), 87–107. https://doi.org/10.24310/metyper.32.2024.19433


