John Henry Newman as a pragmatic and romantic thinker




Charles S. Peirce, T. S. Coleridge, conscience, truth, history, Wordsworth


In this paper I investigate two little known influences on John Henry Newman's philosophical thought. On the one hand, Newman anticipates several intuitions of pragmatism, especially in the Peircian version of it. On the other hand, Newman can be considered, in some respects, as a Romantic thinker, especially because of his relationship with Coleridge and Wordsworth. Both influences help to understand Newman's understanding of philosophy as a way of life and of truth as an engaged and historical human activity.


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Author Biography

Carlos Gutiérrez Lozano, ITAM

Profesor de tiempo completo en el Departamento Académico de Estudios Generales del ITAM


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Lozano, C. (2024). John Henry Newman as a pragmatic and romantic thinker. Metafísica Y Persona, (32), 31–49.


