An introduction to the Leibniz-Locke controversy on the problem of language




Leibniz, history, etymology, Philosophy of lenguage, Locke


We agree that Leibniz is one of the most important philosophers of language of the Modern Age, however, we believe that there is still much to be said about the relationship he established between certain etymological studies and history and even what we today consider philosophy of language and history. This is the main part of what we intend to discuss in our article above all in relation to what was thought by another modern philosopher and is also very important when we talk the subject language in general and which became the leibnizian starting point par excellence, we refer to John Locke and what he discussed especially in book III, Of words, of his Essay concerning Human Understanding.


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How to Cite

Piauí, W. de S. (2024). An introduction to the Leibniz-Locke controversy on the problem of language. Metafísica Y Persona, (31), 119–132.



Critical Notes