Freedom and negativity: an analysis of self-consciousness in the Phenomenology of Spirit of Hegel




Hegel, Consciousness, spirit, Freedom, Negativity


The present article offers an analysis of the search for freedom of consciousness as selfconsciousness in the Phenomenology of Spirit. In the first place, we will examine the failure of stoicism and skepticism as figures of the freedom of self- consciousness. Secondly, we will carefully analyze the double character of the unhappy consciousness and the reasons that prevent it from being taken as one. Finally, we will see why for Hegel negativity is the inner force of all activity that allows the consciousness to reach the point of view of the spirit and, in turn, the spirit to reconcile with itself and be free.


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How to Cite

Ojeda Cabrera, J. (2024). Freedom and negativity: an analysis of self-consciousness in the Phenomenology of Spirit of Hegel. Metafísica Y Persona, (32), 11–30.


