The “razón de fuerza mayor” and barbarism. Eduardo Nicol and Michel Henry on the Technique




Eduardo Nicol, Michel Henry, barbarism, technique, philosophy of technology


The question of technique is a theme that has engaged the reflections of many contemporary
philosophers. Among these, Eduardo Nicol and Michel Henry also took up the
theme to identify and underline those problematic articulations of technological development
which, according to the two thinkers, negatively affect subjectivity. In fact, despite
the differences –contextual and perspective– for both authors the problem of the technique
consists in a reduction of human existence to mere automatism, generating a loss of
the authentic meaning of life. Thus, for Nicol this is evidenced by the emergence of force
majeure, and for Henry by the resurgence of the dimension of barbarism.


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How to Cite

Santasilia , S. . (2023). The “razón de fuerza mayor” and barbarism. Eduardo Nicol and Michel Henry on the Technique. Metafísica Y Persona, (30), 11–19.


