The formation (Bildung) of the complete human being. Wilhelm Dilthey’s critique of historical-pedagogical reason




Humano entero-crítica de la razón histórica-fenomenología de la metafísica-formación-conciencia histórica, Human -critical historical reason-phenomenology of metaphysics-formation-historical consciousness


The article explores the meaning of the formation of the wholeness of the human in the project of a critique of historical reason, formulated by Wilhelm Dilthey. It begins by placing the pedagogical reflection in Dilthey’s course of thought, then proposing a reorientation of his project towards a more comprehensive understanding of what the Wiesbadian thinker had in mind with the expression critique of historical reason. It explores the sense of a phenomenology of metaphysics as an exercise of disinhibition of the understanding of the socio-historical reality and extends the development of phenomenology towards the field of the connection of philosophy and pedagogy. Finally, two possible performances of Dilthey’s philosophical-pedagogical proposal for the current philosophical debate are noted.


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How to Cite

Mendoza Martínez, L. F. (2023). The formation (Bildung) of the complete human being. Wilhelm Dilthey’s critique of historical-pedagogical reason. Metafísica Y Persona, (29), 73–99.


