Max Scheler: from ethical personalism to the metaphysics of man




philosophic anthropology, material ethics of values, phaenomenology, human essence, phaenomenology of religion, ethic personalism


Max Scheler is an important thinker of Twenieth Century Phaenomenology. His studies are involved into Ethics, for making a Material Ethics of Values. From this study, emerges classic concepts of his Philosophy, like Personalism, Hierarchy of Values, Geist and Sentimental Perception. On this paper, I attempt to make an analysis of this Philosophy with this topic for understanding the roll of an Philosophic Anthropology, wich is a problem that Scheler did not finished. That is why we have to understand basic concepts like Phaenomenologic Experience of Religion, Material Ethics, Panenteism and Geist concept. With this understandig, it will be posible to understand the point of this Anthropology.


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How to Cite

Camacho, A. A. (2022). Max Scheler: from ethical personalism to the metaphysics of man. Metafísica Y Persona, (28), 163–195.


