Personalism and original sin: evil inclination in two personalist works




Philosophical anthropology, theological anthropology, person, evil, realism.


This investigation means to establish whether the concept of original sin or, otherwise,
the content of this concept, is philosophically valid. Whether other words, if it is useful
to refer to the intrinsic human phenomenon of evil inclination, particularly in the context
of philosophical anthropology. For this purpose, it is descripted, in first place, the
content of the concept of original sin from the Catholic perspective. In second place, it is
established the link between the Christian thought and personalist philosophy. Finally, in third place, key passages of a particular work of Emmanuel Mounier and Paul Ricoeur,
respectively, are analyzed, to find a reference of that theological notion. It is concluded
that, although alien to philosophical tradition, it exists, at least in an implicit manner, in
the discourse of these personalist authors. Based on this, it is affirmed that the content of
this concept constitutes a relevant reference toward the development of a realistic philosophical
anthropology. This research wants to offer an example of the contact points that
exist between theology and philosophy. It presents that there is a potential enrichment of
philosophy, which is exemplified by the study of arguments and concepts of the mentioned
personalist philosophers, toward this objective, each one in a single work.


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How to Cite

Lepe Pineda, C. (2023). Personalism and original sin: evil inclination in two personalist works. Metafísica Y Persona, (29), 25–45.


