Subtle Categorical Collation of Schelling’s Theoretical Idealism (1800) With Respect to Fichte’s (1794/5)




absolute ego, mathematical categories, dynamic categories, matter, factum


The systematic nature of Schelling’s (1800) and Fichte’s (1794/5) idealistic philosophy
justifies the question of the subtle comparison, proposition by proposition, between both
philosophies, dedicated to exhibit with maximum accuracy the categories distributed from
the first principle to the end of their systems. To narrow down the subject, the comparison
between the two will be given in the direction of Schelling to Fichte from the beginning
to the end of the theoretical part of his thought. What has been agreed in the first will be
analyzed and compared to the extent permitted with the second: I) the first principles will
be contrasted, II) intermediate deductions from the principles, III) the quality table, IV)
quantity, V) relation), VI) modality, both of intuition and of reflection.


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How to Cite

Franco Bonifaz, N. (2022). Subtle Categorical Collation of Schelling’s Theoretical Idealism (1800) With Respect to Fichte’s (1794/5). Metafísica Y Persona, (27), 93–119.


