An Approach to the Constructive Attitudes of the Common Good From Ambrose of Milan’s De Nabuthe




Ambrose of Milan, Naboth, common good, greed.


In this paper, the author analyzes Ambrose of Milan’s treatise On Naboth, to obtain the attitudes that create common good in opposition to greed, the central theme of the Am-brosian exposition. After making an introduction and context of the work, four attitudes are examined: 1. following the natural order in actions, affects and priorities (nature); 2. the opening towards the neighbor (sensibility); 3. benevolent love (affectivity); 4. commu-nication of goods (action).


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How to Cite

Medina Delgadillo, J. . (2020). An Approach to the Constructive Attitudes of the Common Good From Ambrose of Milan’s De Nabuthe. Metafísica Y Persona, (24), 115–142.


