Nietzsche’s New View of Ancient Greece. The Archaic Period as Counterimage of the Classic Age
neohumanism, classical armony, tragic visionAbstract
This article tries to show that Nietzsche’s interpretation of Greek antiquity represents a new interpretation and at the same time a reinvention of the ancient Greeks. The central thesis of his interpretation is that the most important achievements of Greek culture were created in the sixth and fifth century before our era. A time which Nietzsche understood as tragic or arcaic. At the same time this article stresses that the reinvention
of the Greeks by Nietzsche represents a polemic against neohumanism and the classical philology of his time. Against the armonic vision of classic antiquity Nietzsche develops an image of the Greeks which emphasizes the dark and cruel sides of the Ancient world. Thus he moves the tragic world view of the Greeks to the center of his analysis.
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