Reliability and construct validity testing of a questionnaire to assess nomophobia (QANP)


  • Ramón Ferri-García Department of Statistics and Operations Research and IEMath-GR, University of Granada, Spain. Spain
  • María Angustias Olivencia-Carrión Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment, University of Granada. Spain Spain
  • María del Mar Rueda Department of Statistics and Operations Research and IEMath-GR, University of Granada, Spain. Spain
  • Manuel Gabriel Jiménez-Torres Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment, University of Granada. Spain Spain
  • Francisca López-Torrecillas Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment, University of Granada. Spain Spain



Reliability, Construct Validity, Nomophobia


Background: The real meaning of the term nomophobia remains somewhat obscure in studies assessing this disorder. There is an increasing interest in further exploring nomophobia: however, currently available measuring tools appear to only address mobile phone abuse and/or addiction. The objective of this study was to create a Spanish-language instrument to measure nomophobia.

Methods: We developed an 11-item scale that we administered to 968 participants drawn from the population of Granada (Spain). We first performed an Exploratory Factor Analysis. After assessing the nomological validity of the scale, we conducted a Confirmatory Factor Analysis.

Results: The Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed a three-factor structure. Factor 1 (Mobile Phone Abuse) comprised five items that described 19% of the variance; Factor 2 (Loss of Control) comprised three items that explained 12% of the variance; and Factor 3 (Negative Consequences) comprised three items that explained 10% of the variance. Cronbach's Alpha reliability coef?cient was 0.80.

Limitations: Nomophobia is a modern disorder that has yet to be classified as a disease. Self-report measures are affected by biased replies, and therefore the presence of confounders may be a potential issue.

Conclusion: This scale is reliable and valid. It provides future researchers with the means to measure nomophobia in the Spanish population.


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How to Cite

Ferri-García, R., Olivencia-Carrión, M. A., Rueda, M. del M., Jiménez-Torres, M. G., & López-Torrecillas, F. (2019). Reliability and construct validity testing of a questionnaire to assess nomophobia (QANP). Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 12(2), 43–56.



Research Reports