Teaching wisdom in secondary school


  • Pedro González Leandro Universidad de la Laguna (España) Spain
  • Lidia Cabrera Pérez Universidad de la Laguna (España) Spain


Wisdom, Teaching for wisdom, Secondary school, Curriculum, Academic intelligence


In all societies, knowledge has been based on scientific knowledge (academic) and other knowledge of life, based on social skills, ethical norms, and values for balanced and judicious behavior. Such knowledge of life is part of the most sublime human characteristic — wisdom — which is considered to be a perfect blend of knowledge and character or of mind and virtue. Contrary to popular belief, it has been shown that intelligence, age, and experience by themselves are insufficient for a person to obtain wisdom or to be successful in life. What is needed is a combination of intelligence, knowledge, experience, and commitment to the common good. The present study was based on the findings of several authors who have shown that adolescence is an ideal stage for learning wisdom. Thus, we conducted a content analysis of the secondary school curricula, derived from the Organic Law of Education (LOE) and the Organic Law on the Improvement of the Quality of Education (LOMCE), to identify any wisdom-related content taught in schools. We constructed an analysis grid with 20 markers that were representative of the main scientific theories used to study wisdom. The results show that wisdom is underrepresented in current curricula, even though its evolution within the curricula has been positive over the last 10 years. We suggest that the teaching of wisdom in secondary schools is both fragmentary and unsuitable, and thus it is relevant to promote its teaching and to train teachers in mentoring skills in wisdom.


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How to Cite

González Leandro, P., & Cabrera Pérez, L. (2019). Teaching wisdom in secondary school. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 12(1), 9–19. Retrieved from https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/espsi/article/view/9917



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