What is needed for learning multiplication? The role of basic numerical skills and anxiety
mathematics anxiety, arithmetic, basic numerical skills, longitudinal, primary educationAbstract
The mastering of single-digit multiplication is a challenge for many children. Recent research has suggested that some basic numerical skills, such as those measured in Arabic numeral comparison tasks (i.e. access to numerical representations from symbols), are good predictors of children’s performance on single-digit multiplication. On the other hand, emotional variables, such as math anxiety, play a role in learning arithmetic facts. The aim of the current study was to study the role of several basic numerical cognitive skills and emotional factors in single-digit multiplication solving in a longitudinal study including school-age children. Math anxiety, trait anxiety, non-symbolic numerical comparison, Arabic numeral comparison, and subtraction fluency were assessed in first-, second-, and third-grade Spanish children, (N = 141; boys = 66, girls = 75; age range: 6 – 9 years). We assessed multiplication fluency 3 years later. The results showed that performance on Arabic numeral comparison and subtraction tasks significantly predicted performance on multiplication tasks. This finding supports previously published results. Regarding anxiety factors, it was also found that the participant’s score in trait anxiety, but not math anxiety, was a marginally significant predictor. The results highlight the relevance of access to numerical semantic codes from symbolic representations and fluency in combining these representations in subtraction in predicting children’s performance in single-digit multiplication. Anxiety factors seem to be of less relevance.
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