A study on the growth mindset in children with dyslexia
fixed mindset, growth mindset, dyslexia, effortAbstract
Beliefs about whether intelligence can change or not are known as “growth mindsets” (GM) or “fixed mindsets” (FM) in the literature. These beliefs influence academic achievement. However, there is little information on whether children with dyslexia have a fixed mindset. The aim of this study was to investigate this issue. Thirty-two children were recruited (16 with dyslexia and 16 with typical reading development) and were compared using two measures of mindset. The results showed that FMs were more common in children with dyslexia than in their typically developing peers. However, no significant association was found between the two measures of mindset in the children with dyslexia. The results suggest that the type of mindset may be relevant when designing intervention models in dyslexia.
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