Web-based treatments for PTSD after bereavement: A meta-analysis





grief, post-traumatic stress disorder, web-based treatment, meta-analysis


Sometimes, after the loss of a loved one, people can develop posttraumatic symptomatology, which web-based treatments can help to reduce. We conducted a meta-analysis of web-based online treatments for reducing PTSD and other symptomatology in people who have lost a loved one. Five databases were searched between 2010 and 2022. A manual search was also performed. The meta-analysis included 13 articles which provided 14 intervention groups and 13 comparative groups. Effect sizes for PTSD, complicated grief, anxiety and depression were moderate. Our conclusion is that web-based programs for people who have lost a loved one are effective in reducing PTSD and other symptomatology, although the effects of certain treatment combinations should still be studied.


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How to Cite

Vicente-Escudero, J. L., & Sánchez-Navarro, B. (2023). Web-based treatments for PTSD after bereavement: A meta-analysis. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 16(2), 112–122. https://doi.org/10.24310/escpsi.16.2.2023.16927



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