Influence of Dysfunction Family on Children with Aggressive Behaviors


  • Jenny Alexandra Pino Vela Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi Ecuador
  • Yonder Antonio Guanuchi Malla Ministerio de Salud. Ecuador Ecuador
  • César Eduardo Ponce Guerra Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo Ecuador



Aggressive behaviors, psychological development, family dysfunctionality


The study determines the influence of family dysfunction in children with aggressive behaviors in the province of Chimborazo. The research follows a non-experimental descriptive correlational design. Regarding the participants, 15 children with aggressive behaviors and an average age of 10.6 years were studied. The projective tests Drawing of Family (Corman, 1967) and The Person in the Rain (Querol & Chaves, 2005) were applied together with rating scales of perception of parents and children, and personal interviews with parents to establish the psychological history of the children. The results revealed adaptation conflicts in the family and school environment, aggressive traits were identified in parents and children, such as: aggressive verbal responses, easy irritation and frequent arguments; It should be noted that the trait that is not manifested in any case is the pleasure in harming animals and plants. In addition, difficulty was observed in making friends and the existence of negative relationships with the teacher. Finally, the proposed hypothesis was verified and the significant positive relationship between aggressive behaviors and family dysfunction was determined (r = .840), confirming the importance of strengthening family functionality as the main axis of psychological and emotional development.


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How to Cite

Pino Vela, J. A., Guanuchi Malla, Y. A., & Ponce Guerra , C. E. (2024). Influence of Dysfunction Family on Children with Aggressive Behaviors. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 17(1), 1–9.



Research Reports