The temporality of psychological constructs, suicidal ideation and emotional dysregulation: a longitudinal study in Mexican adolescents
emotional dysregulation, emotional disorders, emotional regulation, social support, suicidal ideationAbstract
Background. Adolescence could be considered a period of crisis (emotional and cognitive) where the permanence of psychological discomfort is expressed in different risk factors. That is why it is necessary to evaluate the temporality of psychological constructs. Objective. Analyse, over time, the permanence of emotional dysregulation, suicidal ideation and psychological constructs (emotional disorders, perceived social support, hopelessness, impulsivity, and attitudes and beliefs). Method. Study 1 was a cross-sectional, descriptive-comparative type of 109 teenaged participants from upper secondary education who completed a Scale for the Detection of Suicidal Ideation in Young People and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation that evaluate emotional dysregulation, suicidal ideation and psychological constructs. Study 2 is a longitudinal comparative study of 85 teenaged participants of the original 109. Results. Differences were found for the psychological construct of emotional disorders, where young women obtained a higher average than young men (p < .05). The psychological constructs of emotional disorders, hopelessness, attitudes and beliefs, and impulsiveness, as well as suicidal ideation and emotional dysregulation remained stable over two years. Discussion and conclusion. Emotional regulation as a psychological resource would foster flexibility, tolerance and acceptance in preventing the intensity of psychological distress.
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