Resilience of vocational training students: Its relationship with teacher support, perceived social support and self-conceptResilience of vocational training students: Its relationship with teacher support, perceived social support and self-concept




resilience, social support, self-concept, vocational training


The labor market increasingly demands transversal skills, which is why they generate great interest in the field of Vocational Training (VT). In this research, a preliminary study was carried out on resilience and its relationship with other psychosocial (teacher support, perceived social support and self-concept), academic (academic performance) and sociodemographic (gender) variables. The sample was made up of 82 students (61 young men and 21 young women) of intermediate VT, aged between 16 and 23 years (= 18.06; SD = 1.57). The results showed positive relationships between resilience and the rest of the variables, except academic performance and gender. Teacher support correlated positively with academic self-concept and academic performance. In addition, all the psychosocial variables analyzed turned out to be predictors of resilience, jointly explaining 68.8% of the total variance. Teacher support, specifically, explained 16.4% of the variance. The impact that VT teachers have on students’ resilience and academic results should be considered, offering them resources to promote the students’ transversal and academic skills.


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How to Cite

Soroa, M., Aizpurua, A., & Lameirinhas, J. (2023). Resilience of vocational training students: Its relationship with teacher support, perceived social support and self-conceptResilience of vocational training students: Its relationship with teacher support, perceived social support and self-concept. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 16(2), 123–131.



Research Reports