Validation of The Questionnaire of Sociocultural Influences on the Aesthetic Body Shape Model (CIMEC-26) in Mexican female population


  • Ana Regina Pérez Bustinzar Universidad Anáhuac Mexico
  • Mariana Valdez Universidad Anáhuac. Mexico
  • Jorge Armando Barriguete Meléndez Universidad Anáhuac Mexico
  • Luis Beato-Fernández Universidad de Ciudad Real Spain
  • Bruno Falissard Maison de Solenne, Paris. France
  • Luis Rojo Moreno Universitat de València Spain



body image, social networks, psychological evaluation, sociocultural influence, eating disorders


Objective: To evaluate the psychometric properties of the Questionnaire of Sociocultural Influences on the Aesthetic Body Shape Model (CIMEC-26), in a population of young women. Method: The sample consisted of 799 women aged 12 to 30 years (= 20.29, SD = 2.84). Two groups were included: control and clinical. Results: We observed an adequate internal consistency of the instrument (α = .90). The exploratory factor analysis revealed four factors: 1) Influence of advertising; 2) Influence of social models; 3) Influence of messages and social situations; and 4) Discomfort due to body image. These were ratified in the confirmatory factor analysis, presenting a good fit of the data: 1) significant chi square (X2 (274) = 727.45, p = .001); 2) GFI = .925; 3) AGFI = .976; 4) CFI = .935; 5) RMSEA = .075; 6) RMR = .043. Different cut-off points were explored, observing 22 as the most appropriate according to the sensitivity (66%) and specificity (100%) values. Conclusion: This version showed adequate consistency and construct validity. We observed the usefulness of this questionnaire for mental health professionals, wherefore the study is an important contribution to the field of ​​eating disorders in Mexico.


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How to Cite

Pérez Bustinzar, A. R., Valdez, M., Barriguete Meléndez, J. A., Beato-Fernández, L., Falissard , B., & Rojo Moreno, L. (2023). Validation of The Questionnaire of Sociocultural Influences on the Aesthetic Body Shape Model (CIMEC-26) in Mexican female population. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 16(2), 132–144.



Metodología e instrumentación