Borderline and histrionic personality disorder and its emotional regulation strategies: a systematic and critical review from the dimensional model
Personality disorders, dimensional model, emotional regulation, cluster B, systematic review.Abstract
Personality disorders are scarcely attended to in real clinical practice, despite that their prevalence is high and they cause high interference and emotional distress in those who suffer from them. The objective of this study is to carry out a systematic review on borderline personality disorder (BPD) and histrionic personality disorder (HPD) from the dimensional models, as well as the emotional regulation strategies used by people who suffer from these disorders. The review has been carried out in compliance with the PRISMA guidelines, selecting a total of fourteen articles published between 2012 and 2022. The clear trend shown in the results is that people who suffer from BPD display the greatest severity, use more maladaptive emotional regulation strategies and have a series of pathological traits in common with HPD, whereas people with HPD show less severity. Future lines of research should focus on expanding studies on dimensional models and how they can be an alternative to traditional categorical diagnosis.
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