Emotional Intelligence in Argentina: a systematic review of the research of the last 10 years
Emotional Intelligence – Argentina - Systematic ReviewAbstract
In recent years, the construct of emotional intelligence (EI) has driven studies in different lines of conceptualization, research, theoretical models and evaluation methods nationally and internationally. The objective of this study is to present a systematic review of research on EI carried out in the Argentine population over the last decade. One of the most relevant aspects considered is the methodological criteria authors apply in their research. The PRISMA methodology was used in the search for articles in the Redalyc, PubMed, SciELO and Dialnet databases during May 2022. After applying the inclusion criteria, 181 articles were selected of the 13,349 articles found and eight articles were analyzed—the only ones employing Argentine samples. Of these, 5 focused on adolescents, 1 on therapists, 1 on students in higher education, and 1 on the general population in isolation due to COVID-19. In conclusion, most of the studies presented methodological limitations to the detriment of ecological validity, together with the small number of articles found. These results demonstrate the need for promoting research on EI.
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