A Systematic Review of Beliefs and Attitudes Towards Sexual Behavior: Disambiguation and Classification of Self-oriented Cognitive Schemata of Sexual Behavior





sexual behavior, sexual beliefs, sexual attitudes, systematic review, cognitive schema, attitudes towards sexual behavior


Introduction. Sexual behavior attitudes is a mix of constructs still addressed with inconsistent classifications by actual research, showing diverse theoretical structures. For that reason, we aimed to review the literature in the search for common patterns to bring in an exhaustive disambiguated proposal. Methods.  We carried out a systematic review of sexual attitudes questionnaires and reviews. After that, following thematic analysis principles, we reviewed and categorized codes. Results. Of the 1126 screened publications, 89 scales and 62 reviews were assessed for eligibility. Of these, 28 were eventually included (15 questionnaires and 13 reviews). We classified 144 pieces of valid information into 17 groups based on content. Discussion. We conclude our work as a classification of broadly referenced self-oriented cognitive schemata of sexual behavior (SO-CSSB) as a first stage in the process of developing common classifications to overcome the inconsistency in the evaluation of sexual attitudes.


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How to Cite

Velo, C., & Ruiz, M. A. (2023). A Systematic Review of Beliefs and Attitudes Towards Sexual Behavior: Disambiguation and Classification of Self-oriented Cognitive Schemata of Sexual Behavior. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 16(2), 145–155. https://doi.org/10.24310/escpsi.16.2.2023.14849



Theoretical and Review Articles