EmocioCine: Evaluation of Emotional Intelligence in children and adolescents based on cinematographic scenes
Inteligencia Emocional, Evaluación, Población infanto-juvenil, Emotional Intelligence, Assessment, Child and adolescent populationAbstract
Introduction: Numerous studies confirm the importance of the development of emotional skills in the early stages of life, as well as the need for reliable and valid instruments for their measurement. EmocioCine is a new Emotional Intelligence test that consists of viewing 15 short fiction movie scenes with a high emotional content through which the ability to perceive, use, understand and manage one’s own emotions and those of others is evaluated. Method: The aim of this article is to describe the process applied in the construction of EmocioCine, targeting children and adolescents, which measures the branches of perception, facilitation, understanding and regulation of Emotional Intelligence, as well as to present the results of several studies that tested its validity. A total of 504 students participated in the validation studies, of whom 43.7% were male and 56.3% female, with an age range between 9 and 16 years (M = 11.87 and SD = 1.93). Results: The results indicate that EmocioCine shows strong evidence in relation to construct validity as well as to the test’s content and theoretical model. Conclusion: Based on this validation study, we conclude that EmocioCine is an instrument that can be useful for clinical and educational intervention, as well as in the field of research.
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