Eating problems in adolescents and its relationship with dietary habits during school hours
Eating disorders, dietary habits, adolescents, risk identification, schoolAbstract
A study was carried out on the possible relationship between the eating habits of adolescents during school hours and the detection of eating disorders. A total of 4362 students (49.7% girls and 50.3% boys) from 16 secondary schools aged 13 to 17 years participated. Sociodemographic variables, body mass index (BMI), EAT-40 and BSQ questionnaires, as well as the types of eating and drinking of adolescents before and during the school morning on the day of the assessment were recorded. The results show significant differences between boys and girls in their concern and eating habits. Regarding BMI, 17.8% were underweight, 19.1% overweight and 6.0% obese. A percentage of 9.6% of girls and 1.7% of boys reported eating disorders. Girls always show a greater concern about food and body image, and they are also the ones who eat the least breakfast or lunch during the school day. Worry is correlated with obesity and not so much with underweight (r = .18 in EAT, and r = .30 in BSQ). No significant correlations were found with eating habits, although those who worry more eat less, but have a higher BMI. Overall, 6.3% of the girls and 3.6% of the boys did not eat at all during the entire school day. The importance of dietary habits in relation to the prevention of eating problems at this age group is discussed.
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