Psychological well-being and burnout in health care providers during COVID-19 pandemic


  • Michelle García-Torres Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico
  • Antonio de Jesús Aguilar-Castro Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico
  • Mirna García-Méndez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mexico



psychological well-being, burnout, physicians, nurses, COVID-19


The aim of this research was to evaluate physicians and nurses, men and women, in terms of their psychological well-being and burnout experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico. Participants included 121 volunteers, 56 physicians and 65 nurses, between the ages of 22 and 67 . The results show a low prevalence of burnout syndrome. For psychological well-being, differences were found by gender, with men scoring higher in self-acceptanc and life purpos than women. As regards the sector of employment, employees in the private sector reported greater personal growth than those in the public sector. As to burnout, differences were found between physicians and nurses in the depersonalization factor, with physicians scoring higher. Comparisons by sector showed that those who work in a private context reported higher levels of personal fulfillment, than those that belong to a public one. Group comparisons between those participants who have had a COVID-19 infection at some point during the pandemic and those who have not, showed that the contagion group scored higher in emotional fatigue, and lower in personal fulfillment.


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How to Cite

García-Torres, M., Aguilar-Castro, A. de J. ., & García-Méndez, M. . (2021). Psychological well-being and burnout in health care providers during COVID-19 pandemic . Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 14(2), 96–106.