A model of stages of change in addiction programs
conductas adictivasAbstract
This paper presents a model of intentional behavioral change and its applicatión to the recovery of addictive behaviors. This model, developed initially by James O. Prochaska ans Cario DiClemente, has ifs origin in an attempt to integrare differents schools of psychotherapy and has been entitded, the "Transtheoretical Model" by these authors. This model tries to explain the structure of the change suggesting three basic dimensions in its analysis: the process, the stages, and the levels of change. Of the three, the "stages of change", as a temporary variable which demonstrates the importance of the previous stages in reference to the manifested change, has received most attention in scientific literature and in clinical practice. This paper describes these dimensions of change and the relationship which exists between them and two known mediating variables: the decisional balance and the self-efficacy. Finally, this article comments on the way this model can be seen as a complement to the concept of "reciprocal determinism" of the Social Cognitive Theory, proposing, from this perspective, suggestions to improve the attention given to people with addictive behaviors, according to their situation in the global process of change.
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