Bayesian analysis of variables related to the development of Burnout syndrome in health professionals


  • Guillermo A. Cañadas Universidad de Granada Spain
  • Luis M. Lozano Universidad de Granada Spain
  • Emilia I. de la Fuente Universidad de Granada Spain
  • Cristina Vargas Universidad de Granada Spain
  • Lorena Saldaña Universidad de Granada Spain



Burnout, Standard ANOVA, Bayesian ANOVA


Burnout syndrome has a high incidence among professional healthcare and social workers. This leads to deterioration in the quality of their working life and affects their health, the organization where they work and, via their clients, society itself. Given these serious effects, many studies have investigated this construct and identified groups at increased risk of the syndrome. The present work has 2 main aims: to compare burnout levels in potential risk groups among professional healthcare workers; and to compare them using standard and Bayesian statistical analysis. The sample consisted of 108 psycho-social care workers based at 2 centers run by the Granada Council in Spain. All par-ticipants, anonymously and individually, filled in a booklet that included questions on personal information and the Spanish adaptation of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). Standard and Bayesian analysis of variance were used to identify the risk factors associated with different levels of burnout. It was found that the information provided by the Bayesian procedure complemented that provided by the standard procedure.


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How to Cite

Cañadas, G. A., Lozano, L. M., de la Fuente, E. I. ., Vargas, C., & Saldaña, L. (2010). Bayesian analysis of variables related to the development of Burnout syndrome in health professionals. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 3(4), 33–39.



Research Reports