Trastorno de estrés postraumático y dolor crónico: nexos entre psico y pato(logía)
posttraumatic stress disorder, chronic pain, comorbidity, explaining mechanismsAbstract
The primary aim of this paper is to provide a brief review of the existing literature investigating the relationship between chronic pain and the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD). There is a growing body of research that indicates that PSTD and chronic pain frequently co-occur, and that both conditions may interact in such a way as to negatively impact the course and outcome of the treatment of either disorder. People with both health problems tend to have greater distress and impairment compared to those with only one of these conditions. In recent years, several important conceptual developments and potential mechanisms have been proposed on how and why these disorders often co-occur and how they can interact with one another. The research suggests that variables such as fear and avoidance, anxiety sensitivity, and catastrophizing, as well as general and specific psychological and biological features, may help account for the development and maintenance of both conditions.
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