Auto-eficacia Docente, Motivación del Profesor y Estrategias de Enseñanza


  • Susana Rodríguez Universidad de A Coruña Spain
  • José C. Núñez Universidad de Oviedo Spain
  • Antonio Valle Universidad de A Coruña Spain
  • Rebeca Blas Universidad de A Coruña Spain
  • Pedro Rosario Universidad de Minho Portugal



teacher’s self-efficacy, motivation, self-esteem, teaching strategies


According to previous research, teachers’ efficacy relating to teaching practices is highly dependent on the extent to which they are confident about their own capabilities to manage the new demands on their professional role. The present work aimed at: a) gathering information about the way teachers manage different aspects of self-efficacy (i.e., enhancing their instructional process in order to optimize their lessons and engage the students in the learning process), in order to identify homogeneous self-efficacy profiles, b) investigating the way these profiles relate to different levels and types of motivation, teaching strategies and teachers’ self-esteem. Ninety-five teachers from five Spanish public Universities participated in this study. Three different profiles of teachers’ efficacy have been identified: 1) high self-efficacy in the three dimensions; 2) medium self-efficacy in the enhancement of the teaching process and of lessons management, and medium-high efficacy in the engagement of students, and 3) low self-efficacy in the three dimensions. ANOVA results supported previous findings since teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs played a crucial role on teachers’ motivation and professional engagement.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, S., Núñez, J. C., Valle, A., Blas, R., & Rosario, P. (2009). Auto-eficacia Docente, Motivación del Profesor y Estrategias de Enseñanza. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 3(1), 1–7.


